Little Red Riding Hood
Everyone meets a wolf and Little Red Riding Hood at some point in his live, and I've met them too. So I drew them ...

Buddha...ale to je jedno
Another book from Milena Holcová is released! Buddha - a bald fat man with a good smile? Myth! The Buddha was slender and had a bun. His...

T-shirts for hvezdnybazar.cz
Hvezdnybazar.cz has a very important mission. Tha is why I did not wait a second, when Dominika contacted me for a permisson to print pne...

Videoclip for the song Morena from the new album Laštovka - Adela Slash
There are some dream cooperations! ... And it means pure joy for the creation! Videoklip k prvnímu singlu z alba Adely Slash- Laštovka....

Working on a comission
I am creating very simple drawings into photographs for one very nice project for one really amazing client. I cannot tell more for the...

Simple drawings for the book
I had a chance to cooperate on another interesting project, lllustrations for the book which is being prepared now, I will send more info...

My personal little monsters
Where the sun shines green there the happy monsters live...

Illustration in a book of Ute Mayerhofer
My illustration appeared in a book "Welten Weiten" of Ute Mayerhofer, I am always happy to see the book printed out... And I am very...

Painting porcelain tiles ispired by traditional portuguese tiles called Azulejos during the festival La Rufla in Tábor v Baodílna...

Eda se nedá
Boy from famous family is followed by paparazzi. How such a life can be exiting yet crazy and up to where could go the cruelty of journalist